The Oracles of Water

Concept Creator
The 'The Oracles of Water' is an interactive and participatory site-specific event that links climate change and the global water crisis with the mythology and worship of Apollo at Delphi. A young environmental scientist, after a foreboding dream of all water sources drying up, visits Delphi seeking an oracle from Apollo about the future of water. From the vast Delphic landscape and the Omphalos of the Earth, the Pythia, Mnemosyne, and the Muses deliver a global message about water. This performance weaves together themes of global warming and water pollution, connecting Science, Philosophy, Mythology, and Performing Arts.

As Above So Below

Concept Creator
"As Above So Below" is conceived as a collective and experiential ritual aimed at awakening our cellular memory. Through contemporary performing arts, we are invited to reconnect with our ancient future, evoking the Mystery and activating our primordial cultural consciousness through Logos, Melos, and Orchesis. The intuitive narrative weaves together myths and historical figures, revealing the intrinsic human desire to create and recreate, even in the face of destruction.

All is One

Concept Creator
Connecting cultural heritage with contemporary performance art, “All Is One” draws inspiration from the fiery faith of the Minoans in Mother Nature or the Great Goddess of Crete. Performers and the audience create a mystical experience of connection with the ever-circling motion of the surrounding world. Everything forms a perfect circle, the only shape that has neither beginning nor end. Everything moves endlessly in the same direction, just like celestial bodies, the seasons, and this life, all returning to the same point without stopping or disappearing.